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30.Mr, Andrews has not yet given me those reports, but once      , I’ll mail them to you.

    A.he does        B.he will         C.they do        D.they will


29.      in London, James turned on the radio in the hotel room to listen to the weather report.

    A.Arriving        B.Having arrived    C.After arrived     D.On having arrived


28.      after the race that he didn’t know what to say before so many reporters.

    A.So excited the champion was         B.So excited was the champion

    C.So excited the champion felt         D.So excited felt the champion


27.Computerized robots have freed man from much mental work;      , they protect man from being harmed by some dangerous work.

    A.thus           B.however        C.so            D.moreover


26.-I wonder if I can use your camera.

-I don’t have      . But my roommate does. He bought      last month.

    A.one; one        B.it; one         C.it; it           D.one; it


25.-Have you thought about your day off next week?

-Oh, yes, I      the sunshine in Hawaii next Friday afternoon while you’re all working!

    A.will enjoy       B.are enjoying     C.will be enjoying    D.am going to enjoy


24.We rent a beach house with two small rooms,      can serve as a kitchen.

    A.the smaller of which               B.a smaller of which

    C.the smaller of them                D.smaller of that


23.Why are you still working on this project? It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon and you’re supposed

       it by noon.

    A.to finish                        B.to be finishing

    C.to have finished                  D.to have been finishing


22.Matt is now getting on very well with his new job and he earns      he did last year.

    A.twice as much as                 B.as twice much as

    C.twice as many as                 D.as twice many as




例:It’s so nice to hear from her again,      , we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more     B.That’s to say     C.In other words     D.Believe it or not


21.Let us suppose that you are in      position of      parent. Would you like your child to have such a stressful life?

    A.a; a           B.a; the          C.the; a          D.the; the

