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35.Don't be too hard on him. After all, it was for the first time _________ he made such a mistake.

    A.that         B.when      C.since        D.before


34.By the end of 2007, about half a million people had flooded into the city, ________ up around 10 percent of its total population.

    A.make         B.made      C.making        D.to be made


33.__________ , I could not memorize the text.

    A.However hard did I try          B.However hard I tried

   C.However I tried hard          D.However I had tried hard


32.- Why are you so late?

- I got stuck in the traffic jam, or I___________ earlier.

    A.arrived         B.had arrived     C.would arrive   D.would have arrived


31.Mount Wuyi is such an attractive place of interest ________ everyone likes to visit. 

    A.that        B.as         C.which       D.what


30.With some books badly needed________, she hurried to the bookstore.

    A.buying        B.bought     C.to buy         D.buy


29.Excuse me, I can't ________ you. Could you please slow down a bit?

    A. look up to      B.keep up with   C. live up to      D. come up with


28.- Is it safe enough to stand here, Mom?

- No, come a bit ________to me , honey.

    A.close         B.closely       C.closer                      D.more closely


27.The news has spread all over the world__________ the satellite Chang'E 1 has been successfully sent up to circle the moon.

    A.that           B.which       C.whether                      D.what


26.- How's that? Who broke the glass?

- Well, it ________me. I was doing my homework the whole evening.

    A.hasn't been      B.hadn't been     C.weren't     D.wasn't

