0  168703  168711  168717  168721  168727  168729  168733  168739  168741  168747  168753  168757  168759  168763  168769  168771  168777  168781  168783  168787  168789  168793  168795  168797  168798  168799  168801  168802  168803  168805  168807  168811  168813  168817  168819  168823  168829  168831  168837  168841  168843  168847  168853  168859  168861  168867  168871  168873  168879  168883  168889  168897  447090 

35. ---- How would you like your tea?


 A Very quickly  B As it comes,  please  C Very much  D I don’t like tea


34. The way he did it was different ______ we were used to.

  A. in which   B. in what  C. from what   D. from which


33. I don’t suppose that he will come this afternoon,  ______?

  A. do you   B. will he   C. won’t he   D. don’t he


32. The Arabian Night ______ well known to English lovers.

  A. is    B. were   C. are   D. is being


31. There is ______what the weather will be like.

  A. not knowing  B. no knowing  C. not know  D. no known


30. ______in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

  A. Dressed  B. To dress  C. dressing  D. having dressed


29. John’s pale face suggested that he ______ill, and his parents suggested that he ______a medical examination.

  A. be, should have  B. was, have  C. should be, had   D. was, has


28. ---What would you do if it ______tomorrow?

  ---We have to carry it, since we’ve got everything ready.

  A. rain   B. rains   C. will rain   D. is raining

