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13. We must make ________ known to all that loving nature is loving ourselves.

  A. this            B. that          C. what         D. it


12. Whether the new Iraqi government can control the situation is still hard ________.

  A. told            B. to be told      C. telling         D. to tell


11. I’d like to work with ________ keeps his promises and is strict about his work.

  A. who           B. whom        C. whoever       D. no matter who


10. It seems terribly deserted with the whole yard ________ by fallen leaves.

  A. covering        B. being covered   C. covered       D. to cover


9. The reason why she was criticized was ________ she had played a wrong part in the event.

  A. that            B. because       C. why          D. since


8. He is always so dreamy! It’s time for us to bring him back to ________.

  A. practice             B. reality         C. society        D. life


7. - Will we win the game?

-________. We are the best.

A. Not all all        B. You are right    C. It’s hard to say     D. No doubt about it


6. Thirteen seconds later, McGrady made ________ 3-point play to give the Rockets ________ lead again

  A. a; /                B. a; the         C. /; a          D. /; the


5. cash        A. cell         B. absence    C. act       D. physician

第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从ABCD四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


4. quiz         A. island      B. fighter      C. possible       D. list

