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35.Try to     a few hours each week for exercise.

    A.put away       B.take away       C.pick up        D.set aside


34.-It’s difficult to find anyone who     take the job.

-Be patient. After all it’s a tough and poorly-paid task.

    A.can           B.should         C.will           D.must


33.An important factor in determining how well you perform in an exam is the     of your mind.

    A.case           B.circumstance    C.state          D.situation


32.The film star from Hong Kong     have arrived at 10:30, but he was an hour late.

    A.was about to     B.was supposed to  C.was likely to     D.was certain to


31.He did the demanding experiment     it took me.

    A.one-third a time                  B.one-third time   

    C.the one-third time                 D.one-third the time

