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33.There is a section in our school paper      students can express themselves freely on hot issues on campus.

A.when           B.which           C.what            D.where


32.Since the meeting has been     ,there is no rush now.

A.called off        B.intended for       C.brought forth      D.handed back


31.His strong love for his first girlfriend was clearly      in his newly published poems.

A.sought          B.affected         C.reflected          D.generated


30.The doctors need a few days to be sure that the pills are      for patients like you.

A.valid            B.effective         C.efficient          D.emotional


29.It was unfortunately      that the boy was still under sixteen when he committed the crime.

A.ignored          B.adjusted         C.treated           D.attained


28.To prevent the matters getting out of     ,the two sides had a daily meeting to solve existing problems.

A.date            B.shape           C.fashion          D.hand


27.      time and experience,they didn't make it as they had promised.

A.Having lacked      B.Lacking         C.Lacked           D.Being lacked


26.Professor Willie never minds your taking children along to his lectures,      they keep quiet.

A.although         B.because          C.providing         D.unless


25.      the fact that he has become world famous,he has never forgotten his poor background.

A.Even though       B.Although         C.Regardless        D.Despite


24.The famous director was looking for an actress,      who he thought was suitable for his new movie.

A.the one          B.that            C.one             D.the ones

