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75.The volcano that raised the islands are still      in places.

A.inactive          B.enormous        C.energetic         D.1ively


74.Two months ago,he began to      skating,but he son got tied of it.

A.took up          B.drew up         C.saved up         D.kept up


73.--You couldn't have chosen any gift better for me.


A.oh,I'd choose a better one for you next time.

B.You've had a gilt for music,haven't you?

C.I'm glad that you 1ike it so much.

D.Sorry, but don't blame me,dear.


72.--Is that the small town you often refer to?

--Right,just the one      you know I used to work for years.

A.that            B.which           C.where           D.what


71.--The music is too loud.Could you please turn down the radio a bit?


A.Sorry.I didn't know you were reading   B.Thank you.It's very kind of you

C.Don't trouble.I like music              D.Oh, it's an honor for me to do so


70.Great changes have taken place in that sch001.It is no longer      it was 20 years ago,     ___      it was so poorly equipped.

A.what;when      B.that;which      C.what;which      D.which;that


69.We are living in an age      many things are done on compute.

A.which           B.that            C.whose           D.when


68.Word came      I was wanted at me office.

A.which           B.why            C.that             D.whether


67.The head teacher came over and asked the students how     

A.did the quarrel came about              B.the quarrel had come about

C.have the quarrel come about             D.the quarrel comes about


66.--Oh,no! It's a quarter to seven already and I'll miss my English lesson.

--     .That clock is half an hour fast.You have enough time to catch it.

A.Hurry up                          B.Don't make a joke

C.Take care                          D.Don't worry

