0  168726  168734  168740  168744  168750  168752  168756  168762  168764  168770  168776  168780  168782  168786  168792  168794  168800  168804  168806  168810  168812  168816  168818  168820  168821  168822  168824  168825  168826  168828  168830  168834  168836  168840  168842  168846  168852  168854  168860  168864  168866  168870  168876  168882  168884  168890  168894  168896  168902  168906  168912  168920  447090 

36.A.broken         B.dropped        C.pointed         D.sharpened


34.---     I hand in the paper on Friday, Mr Smith?

   --- No, you don’t have to. I’ll be on a business trip next week.

    A.Must          B.May           C.Need          D.Shall


33.--- What’s the matter with you, Jesse? You seem unhappy.

   --- Not really. I     whether I could pass the examination.

    A.have just wondered                B.wondered

    C.had just wondered                                D.was wondering


32.When I got home last night, I was frightened to find that in front of my door     .

    A.was seated a large dog             B.sat a large dog

    C.was a large dog seated             D.did a large dog sit


31.Have you got the message I left with your mother    you’ll have a meeting tomorrow afternoon?

    A.in which        B.with whom      C.that           D.which


30.--- I’m so glad to have got recovered so soon with your help. Thank you very much, Dr. Brown!

   ---     .

    A.You’re welcome  B.With pleasure    C.Not at all       D.My duty


29.--- Mum, may I have    to eat? I’m so hungry.

   --- Yes, there is lots of bread in the fridge. Help yourself.

    A.enough         B.much          C.anything        D.something


28.--- Good morning, Mr. White!

   --- Late again?

   --- Sorry, I could have arrived     if I hadn’t returned to fetch my pencil – box.

    A.sooner         B.earlier          C.soon          D.early


27.Knowing little of the law has      his life – long imprisonment. What a shame!

    A.resulted from    B.suffered from    C.led to          D.run into

