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第二节 完形填空:

I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were no girls in the school) were  36  expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long, through the door came a tall ordinary-looking man  37   about 40. He said shyly,  “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” His  38  had a surprising tone (语气) of respect, almost  39  he were addressing (向---讲话)the Supreme Court (最高法院) 40   a group of youngsters. He wrote his  41  on the blackboard---Wilmer T. Stone-- ,and  42  sat on the front of his desk.. “Gentlemen,” he began, “We are now this   43  ---your last---to continue your study of  44  . I know we shall   45   learning with and from one another. We are going to learn  46  about journalism and how to write your weekly school paper. And  47  we are going to try to   48  the joy of good literature (文学). Maybe some of us will really  49  in reading and writing. A man who reads 50  a happy life. A man who doesn’t read  51  on the earth with a blindfold(眼罩). If I have to put all my   52  into a single word, it would be: ‘browse(广泛浏览)’”. Mr. Stone went on like that,  53  in a friendly and understanding tone. The  54  of the class came much too soon. And we boys had to 55  the classroom with an unexpected feeling of excitement.

36. A. waiting           B. looking            C. asking        D. calling

37. A. for             B. of               C. at            D. on

38. A. sound           B. voice            C. appearance    D. look

39. A. as              B. if               C. as if        D. after

40. A. besides          B. except for         C. instead         D. instead of

41. A. address          B. telephone         C. name      D. word

42. A. then             B. but             C. so         D. suddenly

43. A. feel             B. season            C. year        D. term

44. A. math            B. chemistry         C. English       D. physics

45. A. begin            B. enjoy             C. practice       D. suggest

46. A. something         B. anything          C. nothing       D. all

47. A. Really           B. Especially          C. Truly         D. Possibly

48. A. feel              B. write            C. memorize      D. accept

49. A. moved           B. excited            C. interested      D. used

50. A. knows           B. says         C. has           D. lives

51. A. runs            B. visits         C. walks       D. chooses

52. A. praise           B. trust         C. advice       D. promise

53. A. speaking         B. singing       C. telling       D. shouting

54. A. beginning         B. end          C. middle      D. time

55. A. keep            B. enter         C. leave        D. reach   


35. -Could you do me a favor?

  -Sorry, I am stuck in this matter. Please ask ______ knows better than I.

    A. whom  B. whomever  C. who  D. whoever


34. When ______ the street, you must watch out for the busy traffic.

    A. crossed  B. you crossing  C. crossing   D. to cross


33. - Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

  -Thank you._______.

    A. It couldn’t be better  B. Of course you can  C. If you like  D. It’s up to you


32. This is the third time that I __________ the driving test. I am not discouraged, though.

    A. failed  B. had failed  C. have failed  D. failing in

