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37.A.buying       B.holding          C.playing          D.biting


36.A.tired        B.experienced       C.talented         D.satisfied


34.     in my life shall I forget my first English teacher who encouraged me to challenge


   A.Never       B.Sometimes       C.Always      D.Often


33.Every possible means    to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.

   A.is used       B.are used         C.has been used    D.have been used


32.Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert    it means standing in a queue all night

   A.so that       B.even though      C.however       D.as if


31.--I think the whole class is going on a field trip next Friday.

   --I'm not sure.     has paid the transportation fee.

   A.None of them   B.No one         C.Not every one   D.Neither of them


30.The weather turned out to be fine,     was more than we could expect.

   A.what        B.which           C.that           D.it


29.A new cinema    here and they hope to finish it next month.

   A.has been built  B.had been built   C.is being built      D.was been built


28.The secretary    to tell them that someone was asking for Mr. Johnson on the phone

   A.cut off       B.cut down        C.cut up         D.out in

