0  168742  168750  168756  168760  168766  168768  168772  168778  168780  168786  168792  168796  168798  168802  168808  168810  168816  168820  168822  168826  168828  168832  168834  168836  168837  168838  168840  168841  168842  168844  168846  168850  168852  168856  168858  168862  168868  168870  168876  168880  168882  168886  168892  168898  168900  168906  168910  168912  168918  168922  168928  168936  447090 

25. scholarship   A. champion   B. dutchman   C. technique    D. church

第二节  单项选择 (共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)



24. volcano    A. location    B. dishonest   C. method    D. protection


23. wisdom    A. sunset     B. insect    C. possession    D. promise


第一节    单词辨音(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21champion    A. opinion    B. region    C. occasion    D. conclusion

22. mainly     A. mountainous  B. certain    C. captain    D. sail





6.How will the woman leave?

  A. By bus.         B. By plane.        C. By train.

7.When will the two speakers have dinner?

  A. On Saturday.         B. On Sunday.      C. On Thursday.


8.Where is the man living?

  A. 17 Mallett Street.      B. 70 Mallett Street.     C. 17 Marett Street.

9. Which house is on fire?

  A. Number 16.        B. Number 18.      C. Number 17.

10.Why is there nobody in the house on fire?

  A. The owner went shopping.  B. The owner went to work.  C. The owner went on holiday.


11.What does the woman like doing in her free time?

  A. She likes reading and playing basketball.

  B. She likes reading and singing.

  C. She likes reading and listening to music.

12.What musical instrument can the woman play?

  A. The piano.       B. The violin.        C. The guitar.

13.What does the man like doing?

  A. He likes playing the guitar.    

  B. He likes playing basketball.

  C. He likes playing football.


14.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. A conductor and a passenger.

  B. A bookseller and a customer.

  C. A detective and a reader.

15.Who is interested in Sherlock Holmes?

  A. The conductor.     B. The passenger.      C. The detective.

16.What color is the missing bag?

 A. Brown.        B. Dark brown.       C. Dark.


17.Who is the speaker probably talking to?

 A. Art lovers.      B. Photographers.      C. University students.

18.How many countries has Dr Wilson been to?

  A. 3.          B. 4.           C. 5.

19.What is Dr Wilson busy doing now?

 A. Taking photographs for a newspaper.

 B. Teaching painting in a university.

 C. Writing a book about art.

20.What can be expected in Dr Wilson’s talk?

  A. 19th century painters and present-day art.

B. Her experiences in European countries.

C. Her achievements in photography.




1.What is the actress’ name?

  A. Kellen Mary.           B. Karen Marsh.             C. Kate Mathy.

2.What will the man do?

  A. He will help the woman.   B. He will ask for help.    C. He will learn from the woman.

3.What can we know from this conversation?

  A. Dick is very surprised to see his neighbour here.

  B. Dick expected to see his neighbour here.

  C. Dick is not surprised at all.

4.How long is the library open?

  A. 8 hours.     B. 6 hours.      C. 10 hours.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. The man’s new house.       B. The woman’s new horse.   C. The woman’s new house.








 At Chinese New Year,my family and I have a very busy                      76.  

 time.Two days before New Year's Day,I went out with my                  77.  

 friends from school to the seafood restaurant in Pudong.                       78.  

 It was the noisiest restaurant I had ever been to,and the                      79.  

 food was delicious. After that,we went to shopping for new                   80.  

 clothes and found lots bargains.I visited my old teacher,                     81.  

 Mr. Smith.To my surprise,he said me he didn't find Chinese                  82.  

 New Year very excited.He was not even wearing new clothes!                 83.  

 Because we have so many tests this week,so I have to                       84.  

 start studying hard again now. I wish the holiday was longer!                   85.  

