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35. It’s time we _____ the pollution problem, otherwise the Tanghe River will become a dead river.

 A.go about dealing with         B.went about dealing with 

C.set about to deal with         D.went in for


34.A group of girls hurried to the station only ____ that the train had left.

  A. to tell   B.telling   C.to have told   D.to be told


33. The pilot lost control with the military base,    the plane crashed in the desert.

  A. in case of which  B.for which     C.as a result of which    D.by means of which


32.____ good, the food was soon sold out.

 A.Tasted   B.Being tasted    C.Having tasted    D.Tasting


31.Tears were in Mother’s eyes and she was _____ about Father ____ for Iraq.

A.upsetting; leaving            B.upset; leaving 

C.upset; would leave                D.upsetting; would leave


30. We have decided to ____ a trip for a new car, as we haven’t got enough money for both.

  A. contribute    B.take    C.replace   D. sacrifice


29. ---____, but the noise is really disturbing. I can’t sleep.

  ---I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would mind.

A. You seem to be upset       B.I’d like to say this 

C. I hate to say this           D.I beg your pardon


28.I would like to travel by train because I can catch a ___ of something from the window of it.

  A.sight   B. glimpse   C.hold   D.sense


27. ---What a long film!  

----Well, maybe, ___________.  

A. it’s really too long           B. but I found it interesting   

C. that’s why I feel a little tired       D. I think we shouldn’t have been here


26. Bruce Li was the first Chinese actor ______ Chinese Kungfu _______to the world. 

A. to make; widely known          B. making; widely known 

C. to make; to be widely known         D. making; be widely known

