0  168748  168756  168762  168766  168772  168774  168778  168784  168786  168792  168798  168802  168804  168808  168814  168816  168822  168826  168828  168832  168834  168838  168840  168842  168843  168844  168846  168847  168848  168850  168852  168856  168858  168862  168864  168868  168874  168876  168882  168886  168888  168892  168898  168904  168906  168912  168916  168918  168924  168928  168934  168942  447090 

45.Mr. Stevens ____ his business by telephone when he was in the hospital.

 A. kept track of   B. kept touch with    C.kept away from    D.lost track of


44.Left alone on that small island, he seemed to have to learn to survive _____.

 A.from a teacher          B.through trial and error 

 C.without any effort        D.by scientific experiments


43.____ many women of her age, she struggled to find a balance between her career and her children.     A.As to     B.With         C.As with         D.As


42.We can’t finish the work in such a short time; you must ____ our lack of experience.

 A.allow to      B.allow for     C.allow of       D.allow into


41.Are there any new ideas _____ at the conference?

 e up with  B.being come up ing up ing up with


40.We are ____ a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus sevice.

 ducting        B.arranging       C.waiting       D.producing


39.The headmaster asked all the high school students in our school to ____ the discussion to be held on May 5th.

 A.take part           B.join        C.participate          D. participate in


38.If you love me, you must accept me ____.

 A.like it does     B.as I am     C.as I do  D.as it is   


37. My parents suggested I should ____ regularly to keep fit.

  A.work out  B.burn out e out  D.give out


36. The poor little boy stared at the cakes in the shop window with _____ eyes.

  A.anxious   B.nervous   C.greedy   D.desirable

