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35.After I retire from office.I'd prefer to       painting for a while.

A.bring up         B.keep up          C.take up          D.draw up


34.Don’t worry! Everyone     be provided with a seat when everything is ready.

A.may            B.should          C.must            D.shall


33.Environment-friendly Olympics requires Beijing to improve its ecological environment,        turning it into all ecology-friendly city.

A.specially         B.eventually        C.temporarily       D.absolutely


32.My family moved to New York a score of years ago,     we haven’t returned to China.

A.since then        B.since when       C.from then         D.from when


31.On her bad days Miss Lang would     us all of stealing her things.

A.blame           B.accuse          C.charge          D.complain


30.I spent     seemed to be a short period of time learning maths, but I did get somewhere.

A.which           B.that            C.it              D.what


29.His inexperience      into account, Jeffery shouldn’t be charged with such a heavy task.

A.taking           B.taken           C.to take          D.being taken


28.     your help, how could I have passed the difficult interview!

A.But for          B.Thanks to        C.Owing to        D.As to


27.Many PLA soldiers volunteering to go to the quake-stricken areas to help, for      life was priceless, would sacrifice their lives for the people there.

A.them           B.whom           C.whose           D.which

