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28.A machine needs fuel to run.       man needs food to live on.

    A.Actually        B.Generally       C.Similarly        D.Naturally


27.The manager, realizing       was going on, asked Tom to follow him into his office.

    A.what          B.that           C.which         D.why


26.    by the window lost in thought for a long time, I realized that no scene in the world remains     .

    A.Stand; unchanged                 B.To stand; unchanging

    C.Standing; unchanged               D.Stood; unchanging


25.How is it that we can not     the violent attacks on the world’s symbol of peace, the Olympic torch?

    A.condemn       B.tolerate         C.struggle        D.resist


24.All of us should be concerned with public     to make our society a better one.

    A.sculptures      B.products        C.contests        D.affairs


23.We      plenty of rain so far this year, so there should be an abundant supply of fresh water this summer.

    A.have had       B.have           C.are having      D.had


22.When     comes to style, men judge success, confidence, maturity and class more than good looks.

    A.one           B.it             C.each          D.that




21.At present,     mobile phone is     means of communication, not a symbol of status.

    A.a;不填         B.a; the          C.the; the        D.the; a

