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35.--- How do you like your cookies, honey?

   ---     ! Could I have another one, Mommy?

    A.Couldn’t be worse                B.Good idea

    C.Not at all                       D.Yummy


34.It seemed that he was trying to     his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.

    A.turn off        B.pass off        C.smooth over     D.run over


33.Parents believe,    do teachers, that given more spare time, students can study better.

    A.and           B.so            C.nor           D.also


32.The handbook gives a(n)      description on the functions of this machine.

    A.steady         B.secure         C.extreme        D.precise


31.A variety of preventive measures are now     in order to minimize the potential damage caused by the deadly disease.

    A.on call         B.at will          C.in place        D.by birth


30.He arrived in London in 1971,     , some time later, he became a millionaire.

    A.when          B.where         C.that           D.which


29.--- Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian have finished their season in NBA this year.

   ---- Yes. They      better but for the injuries.

    A.could have done                  B.can do

    C.couldn’t have done                D.can’t do

