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28.The generation gap seems to be wider and wider with the rapid changes in technology, education, transportation and communication that      all over the globe.

    A.are taking place                  B.took place

    C.have taken place                  D.will take place


27.Though he is busy, music has always been      his work.

    A.as much a part of his life as          B.as a part of his life much as

    C.as much as a part of his life          D.so much a part of his life as


26.Intelligent cell phones that could help foreigners      language barrier in daily life are available for renting in 94 hotels in Beijing at a price of $ 5 per day.

    A.deal           B.hold           C.evaluate        D.overcome


25.It was his strong communication skills which     in the interview that finally     his position as she sales agent in this area.

    A.had been shown; won              B.had shown; was won

    C.was shown; had won              D.showed; won


24.-How did you do on the test?

-Not so well. I      much better but I misread the directions for Part D.

    A.could do        B.could have done  C.should do       D.must have done


23.-Could you      the cost if we stay in a fourstar hotel in Paris for one week?

-Sure. Please wait for a while.

    A.keep out        B.work out       C.bring out       D.turn out


22.The education of      young is always      hot and serious topic in modern society.

    A.the; /          B.a; the          C./; the          D.the; a


21.-Would you like to go to play tennis with me in the school court this weekend?

-      . What about another time?

   A.I’d like that. Thanks.               B.Great!

   C.I’m sorry I can’t.                 D.No, not in the least.


第二节  听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,选出最佳选项,每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What is the probable relationship between Mrs. White and Kate?

    A.Mother and daughter.    B.Teacher and student.    C.Neighbors.

7.What does Mike want to do?

    A.Pick Kate up later.

    B.Pick Kate up earlier.

    C.Pick Kate up at the dated time.

8.Where is Kate now most probably?

    A.At home.            B.At the school.         C.In the supermarket.


9.Why is the woman so happy?

    A.She bought a new computer.

    B.She can surf the net now.

    C.She has an e-mail address.

10.What is the man’s e-mail?

    A.hi@.         B.hello@.       C.hu@.

11.What can the woman probably do on ?

    A.Study English.         B.Buy things.           C.Make friends.


12.What are the man and woman?

    A.Two teachers.        

    B.Two new college students.

    C.One teacher and one student.

13.What classes has Jenny had?

    A.English and history.     B.Chemistry and English.   C.History and chemistry.

14.Which lecture is the smallest?

    A.English.             B.History.              C.Chemistry.


15.What did the woman used to be?

    A.A tennis player.        B.A singer.             C.A film star.

16.How does the woman feel about New York?

    A.New York hasn’t had any changes at all.

    B.Changes have taken place round the center.

    C.The countryside has seen a lot of changes.

17.Why does the woman come to New York?

    A.To star in a TV program.

    B.To spend a vacation.

    C.To watch the tennis games.


18.What does the speaker think of taking vitamin pills?

    A.It gives all the vitamins we need.

    B.It is a waste of money.

    C.It gives part of the vitamins we need.

19.What can we know from the speaker?

    A.Vegetables contain vitamin C.

    B.Our diet couldn’t provide us with enough vitamins.

    C.Western people take extra vitamins in pill form.

20.What should we do if we want to keep healthy?

    A.Eat properly.          B.Eat an apple a day.      C.Eat slowly and carefully.


第一节  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What are the two speakers going to do?

    A.Play baseball.         B.Sit in the shade.        C.Have some ice cream.

2.How old is the woman’s cousin?

    A.8.                  B.18.                 C.80.

3.Where does the conversation take place?

    A.At a hospital.          B.At a restaurant.        C.At a railway station.

4.What can the weather be like today according to the radio?

    A.Sunny.              B.Fine.                C.Snowy.

5.At what time does the train leave for New York?

    A.3:30.               B.6:13.                C.6:30.

