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   --Ok. How are you doing?

    A.How is it going?                  B.How do you do? 

    C.What’s up?                     D.What is the matter?


33.    work did they have to do that they had no time to take a rest at that time. 

    A.Too much      B.So much       C.Too many       D.Such little


32.--What did you do in the mountain village last winter?

--Whenever possible I    go out and paint some pictures with my brother.

    A.should         B.might          C.would         D.could


31.You are right, we are not interested    to stories, but now we’d be interested   you story.

    A.in listening; in hearing              B.to listen; to hear

    C.in listening; to hear                D.to listen; in hearing


30.At the meeting they discussed three different    to the study of mathematics.

    A.means         B.methods        C.ways          D.approaches


29.My enthusiasm for the Chinese Football Team gradually    because of their countless failures.

    A.disappeared     B.faded          C.ran out         D.gave up


28.Some students insisted that an English party    at weekends, yet others insisted that they ______no interest at all.

    A.be held; took                    B.held; take

    C.be held; shown                   D.should be held; should take


27.--Do you smoke?

   --No ,I don’t. It is two years since I­­­______.

    A.smoked        B.have smoked     C.had smoked     D.don’t smoke


26.The restaurant is one of the few places that ______late in the city.

    A.go on opening    B.keep opened     C.remains open    D.stay open


25.    several times, he still could not make sense of it.

    A.Having been told                  B.Told

    C.He was told                     D.Being told       

