0  168770  168778  168784  168788  168794  168796  168800  168806  168808  168814  168820  168824  168826  168830  168836  168838  168844  168848  168850  168854  168856  168860  168862  168864  168865  168866  168868  168869  168870  168872  168874  168878  168880  168884  168886  168890  168896  168898  168904  168908  168910  168914  168920  168926  168928  168934  168938  168940  168946  168950  168956  168964  447090 

32.Your story is perfect;I've never heard _________ before.

   A.the better one B.the best one    C.a better one       D.a good one


31.It was too late.Little John couldn’t but _________ and sleep.

   A.1ie down     B.lying down       C.to lie down        D.1ay down


30.一I think we’d better ask our teachers for some advice.After all,they have a lot of ________.

  一________.I agree with you.

   A.experiences;You’re all fight     B.experience;You’re absolutely right

   C.experiences;It’s all right        D.experience;That’s all right


29.Mencius believed that the reason _________ man is different from animals is _________ man is good.

   A.why;because B.for which;that    C.which; that       D.that;because


28.His pale face suggested he _________ unhealthy and the doctor suggested he _________ exercise every day.

   A.was;take     B.should be;took    C.be;take      D.was;took


27.Mark woke up one morning only to find both water and electricity _________ because of not being able to pay the bills.

   A.cut out      B.cut down     C.cut off           D.cut short


26.The kid together with his parents _________ said to have had an accident while traveling.

   A.is          B.are      C.will be           D.would be


25._________ journalism seems like a good profession(职业), I would prefer to be a teacher.

   A.Although     B.Even     C.No matter            D.Now that


24.He came back to the village _________ he spent years in his childhood.

   A.which    B.that     C.of which         D.where


23.-Excuse me, sir? Can I drive my car back?

   -Sorry,it _________.

   A.has repaired          B.has been repaired

   C.is repairing           D.is being repaired

