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第三节  书面表达(共1题,满分l5分)











3.参考词汇:现象phenomenon;零食snacks;乱扔包装袋 litter the food wrappersr

Dear fellow students,


the Students’ Union



71.Mencius is one of the greatest p________ in China.

72.About 800 historical r________ have been submerged.

73.Unfortunately,some old temples d_______ from the l8th century were destroyed in a big fire.

74.France,s______ on the River Seine,belongs to continental Europe.

75.The worst hurricane disaster of all time o____ on the 8th September l900.

76.I still need some ______ (证据)to prove it.

77.It’s high time we took effective ______ (措施)to improve our working conditions.

78.He is always______ (抱怨)to me about what has happened to him,and I'm tired of it.

79.China Daily is one of the most ______ (有影响力的)newspapers among Chinese.

80.He has lived in ______ (贫穷)all his life and has never had a college education.



It’s Saturday morning.Tony’s sitting at the kitchen table, 36   with a piece of bread.He’s not even  37  .Is he ill?  No,but he does have a  38 .He has nothing to do because the Internet is down.

When he  39  up this morning,Tony was feeling  40 .He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend  41 .It would be a weekend like any other---a great weekend.But that was 42  he turned on his computer and  43  he was unable to go online.Having no Internet changes everything.

Every weekend,Tony  44  goes online to email friends,read the  45  to keep up with what‘s happening in the world and  46  a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to finish the weekend off.The perfect weekend---online!

   Just as Tony is  47  how he can possibly have a normal weekend without the Internet,his mum walks into the  48 .“Cheer up,Tony.Don’t  49  the Internet any more,OK?” Tony makes no  50  but sighs(叹气).“Go and play chess with Helen!” Tony's mum 51

  “Oh,yes! Helen lives just around the  52  .We can meet and play chess face to face for a 53  Maybe this weekend won't be so bad,”Tony  54  ,as he walks to the phone.There is 55  without the Internet after all.

   36.A.cutting    B.playing    C.eating    D.thinking

37.A.hungry   B.angry     C.tired     D.sleepy

38.A.fear      B.problem   C.business   D.thing

39.A.rose     B.rang     C.looked    D.woke

40.A.great   B.disappointed   C.unhappy   D.worried

41.A.also     B.above       C.ahead     D.ago

42.A.after     B.before       C.until D.when

43.A.thought  B.guessed   C.decided  D.found

44.A.usually    B.nearly       C.especially     D.already

45.A.letters    B.news   C.reports    D.contents

46.A.guess       B.take     C.play D.make

47.A.proving  B.wondering     C.realizing   D.remembering

48.A.living.room   B.hall   C.kitchen   D.study

49.A.talk about     B.care about     C.think about    D.look about

50.A.answer   B.progress   C.movement     D.choice

51.A.requests   B.replies    C.tells D.suggests

52.A.edge     B.distance   C.comer    D.end

53.A.chat      B.time     C.lesson    D.change

54.A.continues     B.smiles       C.reads     D.watches 

55.A.change   B.task     C.weekend D.1ife


35.The film,_________ is of great _________,has moved many young people.

A.that;interest B.which;interest     C.of which;interests     D.whose;interests


34.The tree fell down in the storm,_________ two deaths and several injuries.

   A.causing      B.caused          C.to cause      D.causes


33.-She must be doing her homework now.

   -_________,she can’t go with us.

   A.If not       B.If possible   C.If necessary   D.If so

