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28. The fact that she never apologized   a lot about what kind of person she is

  A. says        B .talks     C .appears       D .declares


27. Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and   before you leave

  A. something      B. anything   C. everything         D nothing


26. Occasions are quite rare   I have the time to spend a day with my kids

  A. who          B. which     C .why         D. when“


25. By the time he realizes he    into a trap,it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.

  A walks     B. walked    C. has walked     D had walked


24. Thank you for all your hard  work last week l don′t think we    it without you.

  A. can manage            B. could have managed

  C. could manage           D can have managed


23.     Was most important to her , she told me ,was her family.

 A. It        B. This      C. What        D. As


22. He found it increasingly difficult to read,     his eyesight was beginning to fail.

  A .though     B. for       C but       D so




例:Mr. Smith owns   collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

  A. larger          B .a larger    C. the larger         D. a large


21. Students should be encouraged to use    Internet as    resource.

  A.不填;a       B.不填;the   C.  the;the   D. the;a

