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35. Lucy′s new job paid twice as much as she had made    in the restaurant.

  A. working       B .work     C. to work          D. worked


34. I bought a dress for only10 dollars in a sale; it was a real    .

  A. exchange      B. bargain    C. trade           D. business


33. Would it be   for you to pick me up at four o′clock and take me to the airport?

  A. free          B vacant     C handy        D. convenient


32. I began to feel   in the new school when I saw some familiar faces

  A .at home       B. at heart   C .at will        D. at sight


31. You′d better not leave the medicine   kids can get at it.

  A. even if     B .which     C. where          D. so that


30. -say,Jane,will you come with me to the game Friday?

  -    ,Bob,but l promised Mary l′d go with her

  A. My pleasure     B .Thanks    C. Take it easy        D. Forget it


29. Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that the   his own work and translated it into German

  A. gave off    B turned down    C took over         D. set aside

