0  168786  168794  168800  168804  168810  168812  168816  168822  168824  168830  168836  168840  168842  168846  168852  168854  168860  168864  168866  168870  168872  168876  168878  168880  168881  168882  168884  168885  168886  168888  168890  168894  168896  168900  168902  168906  168912  168914  168920  168924  168926  168930  168936  168942  168944  168950  168954  168956  168962  168966  168972  168980  447090 

31.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,   are beyond our control.            

A. most of them      B. most of which  C. most of what      D. most of that                         


30.    the project as planned,we'll have to work two more hours a day.

A. Completing        B. Complete     C. Completed       D. To complete              


29.When asked    they needed most,the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.          

A. what          B. why      C. whom         D. which                        


28. You don't have to know the name of the author to find a book. You   find the book by the title.                                                   

A. must           B. need      C. can           D. would                


27.-When did you last hear    Jay?                                  

  -He phoned me this morning,and we agreed    a time and place to meet.                 

A .of, to            B. about, with   C. from, with       D. from, on                            


26. The trees    in the storm have been moved off the road.                            

A. being  blown down           B. blown down                               

C. blowing down            D. to blow down                           


25. Last night Mr. Crook didn't come back at the usual time.   ,he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.                                            

A. Meanwhile         B. However    C. Instead           D. Yet                       


24.   the website of the Fire Department in your city,and you will learn a lot about firefighting.               

A. Having searched     B. To search      C. Searching         D. Search                   


23.I thought we'd be late for the concert,   we ended up getting there ahead of time.               

A. but           B. or       C. so          D. for                       


22.Have you heard   news? The price of    petrol is going up again?                                   

A. the,the        B.不填,the    C. the,不填     D.不填,不填                

