0  168823  168831  168837  168841  168847  168849  168853  168859  168861  168867  168873  168877  168879  168883  168889  168891  168897  168901  168903  168907  168909  168913  168915  168917  168918  168919  168921  168922  168923  168925  168927  168931  168933  168937  168939  168943  168949  168951  168957  168961  168963  168967  168973  168979  168981  168987  168991  168993  168999  169003  169009  169017  447090 

18.--- This is my treat and next is yours. How’s that?

  ---- OK. _______.

    A.It doesn’t matter                 B.It depends  

    C.No way                      D.It’s a deal


17.Oh, much smoke here ! Somebody _____ the window, please.

    A.opens       B.open        C.shall open      D.will open


16.There is ______man called Jeff Brigs working in our department.

    A.no such     B.no a        C.no such a      D.not


15.Word came that it was on May 12th ____ a strong earthquake with Richter magnitude(震级7.8 struck Wenchuan County, Sichuan province.

A.when        B.that        C.since        D.as


14.---How will I _________ you at the station?

  ---Well, I’m wearing a hat and I’ve got a big black umbrella with me.

  A.recognize       B.realize         C.see           D.pick 


13.When you are ______ a difficult period, it often helps to talk to someone.

    A.going through                   B.getting across  

    C.taking up                      D.bringing about


12.--- I’m really hungry now.

   --- That’s because you have left your lunch ______.

    A.untouching     B.to be untouched  C.untouched      D.being untouched


11.The general at last got a chance to visit the village ______ he used to fight, _____ he had been dreaming of for years.

    A.that; which   B.where; that     C.in which ; what   D.where; which


10.I was scared and feeling pretty anxious, _______ in a new country.

    A.for the first time I was           B.I was the first time

  C.being the first time            D.this being my first time


9.We ______ keep a cool head on over-heating development, for it _____ have negative influence upon national economy.

     A.should; must    B.must; would   C.might; could   D.must; may

