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1)  大多数明星很关心代言产品的质量
2)  买明星促销的商品是支持偶像的一种方式
1)  有的明星作广告见利忘义
2)  推销的产品并非适合每个人


参考词汇:促销  promote   

A famous star was involved in a scandal(丑闻) when the product he spoke for was found to be ineffective. This brought a great reaction from the students in our school.








The main purpose of newspapers are to provide                   76.________

news. If you examine newspapers closely, you would find            77.________

there are all sort of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars,              78.________

sports, books, etc. The news covers everything happens             79.________

on people and their surroundings. Sometimes there is                80.________

some news which is very interested. A news report                 81.________

is usual short, except when it is very important,                    82.________

but has a lot of information. It is also written in                   83.________

short paragraphs. The first paragraph is in the fact    a               84.________

summary of the news. It gives all the necessary information,        85.________

what, when, where, how, and why.


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.You should start out i_______, or you will miss the early bus.

67.We should lose no time in the war against air p_____ around ourselves.

68.Is W_____ the third or the fourth day of the week?

69.Whether we can have the sports meeting d_______ on the weather

70.C_______ with elderly teachers, young teachers are more energetic and creative.

71.Japan is an A_____ country, instead of a European.

72.The temperature can fall to -60℃, that is 60℃ below f_______.

73.When building m______ cost more, the price of houses increases..

74.The boy was required to a________ for being rude to the old lady.

75.----Is your grandpa feeling any better this morning? ----- No, even w_____.

