0  168829  168837  168843  168847  168853  168855  168859  168865  168867  168873  168879  168883  168885  168889  168895  168897  168903  168907  168909  168913  168915  168919  168921  168923  168924  168925  168927  168928  168929  168931  168933  168937  168939  168943  168945  168949  168955  168957  168963  168967  168969  168973  168979  168985  168987  168993  168997  168999  169005  169009  169015  169023  447090 

34.I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is ____________________________ (比城市里的空气新鲜得多). (fresh) 


33.When asked _____________________________ (她是否后悔没有救她自己的儿子), she said she made the choice without regret. (regret) 


32.Sorry, I’m late. I _____________________________ (可能是关掉了) the alarm. (turn)


31._________________________ (她突然想到) money couldn’t make up for all that Bob had suffered in the past five years. (occur)


30.She was so convincing that we were completely _________ by what she said. 

A.gone through    B.called off       C.caught up       D.taken in 

第二节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。


29.Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the body’s need for it from natural sources without _________ to the salt bottle.

A.contributing     B.adapting        C.turning         D.reacting 


28.It’s hard to live in a big city when prices of supplies keep going up. So some men drink alcohol to lose their _______.

A.temper         B.manners        C.pressures       D.mood 


27.We all wanted to know what _________ the terrible earthquake in Wenchuan. 

A.come across     B.bring about      C.become of      D.set out 


26.It is _______ impossible to find a good educational computer program in this part of the city.

A.hardly         B.merely         C.nearly         D.ever  


25.She was so _________ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.

A.attracted       B.absorbed       C.drawn         D.concentrated

