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26.As we grow older, birthdays seem to _______ more quickly than when we were children.

    A.come in      B.come around    C.come out      D.come over


25.We could hardly believe what she says because she is _______ changing her mind.

    A.regularly      B.steadily      C.suddenly       D.constantly


24.The question then _______ , what shall we do with the remaining materials ?

    A.rises       B.arises       C.raises        D.arouses


23.Several decades ago, Chinese people were very curious about India and the lands _______ .

     A.besides      B.beyond      C.away        D.off


22.I’m writing to apologize for my absence from last week’s meeting. I was unexpectedly _______ at work.

    A.picked up     B.made up      C.given up       D.held up


第一节  单项选择题(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


21.What a pity ! He worked hard all his life but without much _______ .

  A.reward       B.prize        C.award     D.result

