0  168837  168845  168851  168855  168861  168863  168867  168873  168875  168881  168887  168891  168893  168897  168903  168905  168911  168915  168917  168921  168923  168927  168929  168931  168932  168933  168935  168936  168937  168939  168941  168945  168947  168951  168953  168957  168963  168965  168971  168975  168977  168981  168987  168993  168995  169001  169005  169007  169013  169017  169023  169031  447090 

13. Jack, I’m sorry to trouble you, _____ could I ask you a question?

A. so    B. or    C. and    D. but


12. Our headmaster spoke at the parents meeting for one hour without _____ his notes.

   A. looking up  B. bringing out  C. referring to   D. learning about


11. Mr. Wang, I’d like to borrow a book on English Literature, _____ I ?

A. had     B. may    C. will     D. should


10. _____ surprised us very much that John should fail in the physic test.

A. What    B. This     C. It       D. That


9. -----Tom, _____ the phone; I’m busy preparing supper.

   ----- Coming, Mum.

A. answer    B. answers   C. to answer    D. answering


8. My aunt lives in _____ A-shaped house near the river. It is _____20th century cottage.

A. the; 不填   B. an; the   C. 不填; the    D. an; a


7. It will be some time _____ the government can lighten the burden on students.

A. before    B. until    C. since    D. when


6. ---- Shall I pick you up after school this afternoon?

---- ____, if it’s convenient to you.

A. With pleasure  B. Come along  C. Couldn’t be better  D. Go ahead


第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)


1. polite
A. possible
B. climate
C. province
D. terrible
2. houses 
A. potatoes 
B. teaches 
C. knives
D. cakes
3. piece 
A . believe
B. friendly
C. tie
D. society
4. social
A. cinema
B. percent
C. bicycle
D. ancient
5. repair
A. culture
B. inspire
C. compare
D. heart


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



1.  每晚观看新闻,关注灾区救援工作的进展;

2.  捐出全部零花钱,并在周末走上街头义卖报纸;

3.  向报纸及网络投稿寄托哀思;

4.  五月十九日下午全校师生为遇难者默哀三分钟。

提示:  灾区 the striken area    遇难者 victims    默哀  observe silence

Dear editor, 









  Li Hua

