0  168848  168856  168862  168866  168872  168874  168878  168884  168886  168892  168898  168902  168904  168908  168914  168916  168922  168926  168928  168932  168934  168938  168940  168942  168943  168944  168946  168947  168948  168950  168952  168956  168958  168962  168964  168968  168974  168976  168982  168986  168988  168992  168998  169004  169006  169012  169016  169018  169024  169028  169034  169042  447090 

30.Although Anne is happy with her success, she wonders      will happen to her private life.

    A.that           B.this           C.it             D.what


29.In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,      many people have got home.

    A.whose time      B.that           C.on which       D.by which


28.After working with her for so long, I came      her patience and efficiency.

    A.to admire       B.admiring        C.admired        D.admire


27.The organization’s aim is to educate      public about      dangers of smoking.

    A.不填;不填     B.the; the         C.不填;the      D.the;不填


26.-We might as well go home now.

-Why?      there      we can do to help? Come on! She needs us!

    A.Is…anything                    B.Isn’t…anything

    C.Have…something                 D.Haven’t…something


25.I am sure he is up to the job      he should give his mind to it.

    A.if only         B.in case         C.until           D.unless


24.-Will there be a shower tomorrow?

-There      be. Let me make a phone call to find out.

    A.must          B.would         C.will           D.might


23.Some of the wheat is from Canada. What about      ?

    A.another        B.the other        C.others         D.the rest


22.-What did they start the concert      ?

-A piece by an unknown composer but it ended      great success.

    A.for; with       B.with; in        C.by; through     D.on; in




例:It’s is so nice to hear from her again.      , we last met more than thirty years ago.

    A.What’s more     B.That’s to say     C.In other words   D.Believe it or not


21.-Oh, my Gosh! The exams were much too      for me.

-Come on! You’ve probably done      than you think.

    A.harder; better                    B.more difficult; worse

    C.difficult; worse                   D.hard; better

