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35.     , otherwise you will miss the first bus.

    A.Hurry up                       B.If you don’t hurry up

    C.Unless you hurry up               D.If you hurry up


34.Any student in my school who is caught    in the exam will be removed from school.

    A.to have cheated   B.to cheat        C.cheated        D.cheating


33.-Is it my experience   the manager minds?

    -No. He just considers it    to have a female secretary.

    A.what ;good      B.that ;better      C.which ;best     D.that ;worst


32.She hurried home from college,    how her mother was.

    A.eager finding out                  B.eager to find out 

    C.eagerly to find out                 D.eagerly finding out


31.He is so tired and now all he wants to do is    .

    A.having a hot bath and relaxing        B.to have a hot bath and relax

    C.to have a hot bath and relaxing        D.having a hot bath and to relax


30.It is commonly believed that sleep may help to repair the part of the brain    thinking takes place.

    A.that           B.which         C.when          D.where 


29.I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I succeeded      .

    A.first of all       B.in all           C.above all        D.after all 


28.The weather is less changeable in December than in November in our city ,although it still

   be quite varied.

    A.can           B.could          C.may           D.must 


27.I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it ,the more it begins to    .

    A.make sense      B.do good        C.make a point     D.do right


26.-How do I pay for this camera over the Internet?

    -Just a minute and I    take care of it.

    A.am going to     B.will           C.would         D.am to

