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23.-How can they inform Audrey of their project?

    -    they had her email address.

    A.What if        B.Only if         C.If only         D.Now that


22.Frankly speaking . I’d rather you     anything about it for the time being.

    A.have done       B.haven’t done     C.don’t do        D.didn’t do


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.They happen to be of     age , and they all go in for      American football.

    A.the same ;the    B./;/            C.an ; /          D.an ;the


第二节  书面表达(共1题,满分25分)



Dear Jack,



Lin Xin


第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Mrs Green has a clothes store. Every day many          76. ________ 

people go to the store to buy an kind of clothes.              77. ________ 

So she is always very busy and goes home lately at night.          78. ________ 

One night, Mrs Green came home after ten. She was tiring         79. ________ 

and wanted to go to bed. But a policeman called her in           80. ________ 

and said that the door of her store is not locked.              81. ________ 

She went back, locked door and went home again.           82. ________ 

She thought about , "This time I can have a good sleep."          83. ________ 

So when she went to bed, the policeman caned her again.          84. ________ 

"Excuse me, Madam. You had locked me in your store!"         85. ________

