0  168875  168883  168889  168893  168899  168901  168905  168911  168913  168919  168925  168929  168931  168935  168941  168943  168949  168953  168955  168959  168961  168965  168967  168969  168970  168971  168973  168974  168975  168977  168979  168983  168985  168989  168991  168995  169001  169003  169009  169013  169015  169019  169025  169031  169033  169039  169043  169045  169051  169055  169061  169069  447090 

25.Sony company has _____ all the digital cameras with some problems in China.

     A.called for                        B.called in       

    C.made arrangements for             D.made breakthroughs in


24.---Next Monday is my birthday.

   ---Is that so? _____   ---Thank you.

     A.I don’t believe so.                                B.I’m so glad.

     C.What present do you need?          D.Many happy returns of the day!


23.---You ought to have warned him of the danger!

   --- ____! But he wouldn’t listen!

     A.So did I                        B.So ought you     

    C.So I did                        D.So I have


22.The flood is believed _____ more than 50 people and made thousands homeless,______ it perhaps the most destroying flood in history in the area.

     A.killing; to make                   B.to have killed; making

    C.to have killed; having made          D.having killed; making



21.How can you expect to learn anything ____ you devote all your energies to playing computer games?

     A.in case         B.while          C.when          D.unless

