0  168882  168890  168896  168900  168906  168908  168912  168918  168920  168926  168932  168936  168938  168942  168948  168950  168956  168960  168962  168966  168968  168972  168974  168976  168977  168978  168980  168981  168982  168984  168986  168990  168992  168996  168998  169002  169008  169010  169016  169020  169022  169026  169032  169038  169040  169046  169050  169052  169058  169062  169068  169076  447090 

22.As is known, one of the many benefits of________ adventure travel is teaching the children how to cope with________ unexpected.

A.the;/           B./;an           C.the; the        D./;the


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.

   A.however      B.whatever    C.whichever      D.whenever


21.--- I hope you don’t mind my turning on the heater.

  --- ______.

  A.Never mind    B.Yes, I won’t     C.That’s right   D.Not in the least


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

根据下图所示写一篇作文,字数:100字至120字左右   注意:开头语已为你写好


Do you know anything about my family?




第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Last Sunday we went to see a AIDS patient in hospital.         76.     

We bought her some flower and fruit. She was glad to see          77.     

us. Many people began to avoid see her after she                             78.     

was infected to HIV virus. A doctor told us that the               79.     

HIV virus mustn’t be infected through daily communication         80.     

and those suffering from AIDS shouldn’t be looked down upon.      81.     

We had a talk with the woman and gave her some            

CDs as gifts. She was moved to tears and promise to be            82.     

optimistic and confident in overcoming the disease. We             83.     

promised to see her again before left.                         84.     

In my opinion, the world will become more beautiful          

if all of us love each other and help those in the trouble.            85.     

