0  168885  168893  168899  168903  168909  168911  168915  168921  168923  168929  168935  168939  168941  168945  168951  168953  168959  168963  168965  168969  168971  168975  168977  168979  168980  168981  168983  168984  168985  168987  168989  168993  168995  168999  169001  169005  169011  169013  169019  169023  169025  169029  169035  169041  169043  169049  169053  169055  169061  169065  169071  169079  447090 

27.You could put an advertisement in some magazine, journal, newspaper, or ____.

     A.whichever     B.wherever       C.however      D.whatever


26.---His health has completely broken ____.

--- It is the material ____ he had been working for many years that is ____.

    A.down , with which , to blame       B.off , what , to be blamed

    C.out , which , to be blamed for       D.up , for which , blamed


25.The dark shapes of the trees ____ against the evening sky.

    A.made out      B.turned out      C.looked out      D.stood out


24.His behavior at the party last night seemed rather____. Many of us were quite surprised.

    A.out of practice   B.out of place      C.out of politeness  D.out of pity


23.You want to buy a stamp of this kind ? Oh , this kind of stamp is on sale everywhere . You can get one at     post office in this city .

    A.every          B.all            C.any           D.one


22."Only one percent second faster, ___ break the world record." encouraged the coach.

    A.you will       B.and you will     C.or you will      D.will you


第一节   单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.---Please tell James that he has won the first prize in the English speech contest.

- --____! He never did so well before.

    A.Congratulations                  B.What good news 

    C.What a good surprise               D.That’s right


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信。内容包括:

优点:食堂干净; 饭菜可口; 服务态度好

不足:价格偏高; 种类偏少; 等候时间较长



Dear Mr. Principal,

I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. _____________________________________________________________________  








