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35.It is on October 1st, 1949 _____ the People’s Republic of China was founded, _____ we’ll never forget.

    A.when; which    B.that; when      C.when; that     D.that ; which


34.I suggest that we should take part in more such activities in future _______ we did yesterday.

    A.which       B.as         C.that        D.what


33.The company is badly operated, but the boss doesn’t _________ that he is an unable man.

    A.acknowledge    B.abandon      C.resign       D.recognize


32.Tom makes up his mind to get a seat for the football match ________ it means standing in a queue all night.

    A.as if        B.as though      C.even if       D.if only


31._________ the old man’s satisfaction, his daughter set ____________ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with him.

    A.To; aside    B.To; out       C.With; away     D.For; off


30.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, ________ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space. 

    A.where       B.what        C.that      D.which


29.When I was doing shopping in the market the other day, I ________ an old friend of mine, whom I hadn’t met for twenty years.

    A.came about     B.came over     C.came out       D.came across


28.My granny used to _______ in the countryside alone, but now she has got used to _______ together with us in the city.

    A.living; living     B.living; live       C.live; live       D.live; living


27.Look! A nice picture ________ for our teacher by Little Tom.

    A.is drawing                      B.is being drawn

    C.had been drawn                  D.was drawn


26.Many policemen and soldiers are _________the forest _________ the prisoner escaping from the prison.

    A.searching ; of               B.searching for; for

    C.searching; for              D.in search of; for

