0  168908  168916  168922  168926  168932  168934  168938  168944  168946  168952  168958  168962  168964  168968  168974  168976  168982  168986  168988  168992  168994  168998  169000  169002  169003  169004  169006  169007  169008  169010  169012  169016  169018  169022  169024  169028  169034  169036  169042  169046  169048  169052  169058  169064  169066  169072  169076  169078  169084  169088  169094  169102  447090 

30.-You really shouldn’t have shouted to them.

    -Right ,I    crazy then.

    A.must be        B.must have been   C.would have been  D.should have been


29.A new problem will occur with the increase in the number of private cars    road conditions need to be improved.

    A.where         B.which         C.that           D.when


28.Wrestling is such a game in which     player tries to get     on the floor.

    A.a; another       B.the ;the other    C.one ;another     D.one ;the other


27.If you leave undone     you should have done ,you’ll only have to face more work piled waiting to be done.

    A.what          B.which         C.that           D.as


26.The millionaire,   money isn’t a problem, still lives a very simple life now.

    A.for whose      B.with whose      C.for whom       D.by whom


25.-Let’s go to the park tomorrow morning.

    -Sorry, I’ve got an important appointment at 9 o’clock and I can’t     to miss it.

    A.manage        B.help           C.wait           D.afford


24.With the Chinese people     as one, any attempt to separate China is bond to fail.

    A.unite          B.united          C.to have united    D.having been united


23.Talk to anyone in China about CNN, believe it or not,     you’ll find a friendly person immediately getting angry.

    A.or            B.but            C.and           D.so


22.Disabled as she was ,Jin Jing protected the Olympic torch as if it      her own life.

    A.was           B.were          C.be            D.would be




21.In China,     pressure to pass    exams gives students the impression that learning comes from textbooks.

    A.不填;不填     B.the; the         C.the ;不填     D.不填;the

