0  168919  168927  168933  168937  168943  168945  168949  168955  168957  168963  168969  168973  168975  168979  168985  168987  168993  168997  168999  169003  169005  169009  169011  169013  169014  169015  169017  169018  169019  169021  169023  169027  169029  169033  169035  169039  169045  169047  169053  169057  169059  169063  169069  169075  169077  169083  169087  169089  169095  169099  169105  169113  447090 

第三节  书面表达(满分30分)



参考词汇:希望工程:the Hope Project  零花钱:pocket money

April 11,2008 Friday                Fine


第二节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






I watch TV until 12 o’clock, so I could not go over my         76.     

lesson. This morning I got up so late that I had to hurry to          77.     

the school without breakfast. I was late for the first class. When      78.     

I entered the classroom, the maths teacher had to stop explain        79.     

an important problem, and all the eyes fixed upon me. My face       80.     

turned red. Something even bad happened to me in the English       81.     

class. Miss Wang asked me recite the text, but I could say nothing     82.     

but sorry, so I did not spend any time preparing my lessons. The      83.     

teacher looked at me with their cold eyes, I stood at my bench       84.     

without daring to raise my head. What a terrible day I had!          85.     


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.They work as the      (助手) in the office.

67.He was          (攻击) and robbed by two strangers.

68.She has an expensive necklace with         (珍贵的) diamonds set in.

69.The bridge will open in      (二月) 2009.

70.Your work has improved in        (质量) and quantity this term.

71.The cruel man        (谋杀) two children.

72.We will be lack of         (自然) gas.

73.The surgeon in the hospital is         (作手术) on a patient.

74.The matter is not of         (重要) to us all.

75.Her health is        (逐渐) improving.

