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Nicole lived on a farm where cocks were used as alarm clocks, and coal was burned when it was cold in the winter. She worked as a bank clerk in the day and was a part of a club that collected coins for fun. Although Nicole was  36   with this way of life, she still  37   moving to the East Coast to become a clothing  38  . She loved the feel of different cloths and enjoyed  39   pretty clothes.

Because her  40   was like a close friend to her, she told him about her dream. He was so  41   that he burned his tongue on the  42   he was drinking.

“Nicole,” he said, “Are you  43  ? Do you have a cold or a fever?”

“No,” Nicole answered, “I just want to  44  my dream.”

“Get your head out of the cloud,” her father said, “You’re a clever girl, but you belong here on the  45  .”

When Nicole  46   this, she felt like her father had  47   a door in her face.  48  , she was determined to become a  49   designer. She decided to run away from home.

During the middle of the night, she  50   out of the window with only a coat and some money. It was a long climb down, and she almost  51   herself when she  52  . Luckily, there was a soft  53   nearby that broke her fall.

“That was  54  ,” she thought, “I almost broke my neck!”

It was a good thing that she didn’t because after her spring collection  55   out, she became one of the most famous fashion designers in the world.

36.A.uneasy         B.satisfied        C.suitable        D.angry

37.A.hated          B.liked           C.fond of        D.dreamed of

38.A.interviewer      B.designer        C.seller          D.collector

39.A.selling         B.exchanging      C.making         D.buying

40.A.father          B.brother         C.sister          D.mother

41.A.disappointed     B.excited         C.surprised       D.pleased

42.A.cheese         B.wine          C.cake          D.coffee

43.A.sick           B.wrong         C.curious        D.well

44.A.quit           B.follow         C.get            D.have

45.A.farm          B.way           C.house          D.club

46.A.noticed         B.saw           C.found          D.heard

47.A.opened         B.built           C.closed         D.offered

48.A.And           B.Still           C.Thus          D.But

49.A.coin           B.cloth          C.fashion         D.modern

50.A.climbed        B.stepped        C.jumped         D.crawled

51.A.frightened       B.hanged         C.broke          D.hurt

52.A.screamed       B.landed         C.walked         D.cried

53.A.voice          B.bush          C.wall           D.rock

54.A.safe           B.hard           C.easy           D.dangerous

55.A.rushed         B.sold           C.came          D.carried


35.Great changes ________ in the city, and a lot of factories ________.

    A.have been taken place; have been set up B.have taken place; have been set up

    C.have taken place; have set up         D.were taken place; were set up


34.________ money have been spent on the prevention and cure of AIDS.

    A.Numbers of     B.Large amounts of

C.A great many    D.The amount of


33.It is said that the governor is ill, but the news remains to be ________.

    A.puzzled        B.impressed       C.confirmed      D.explained


32.Don’t talk about such a thing in the ________of young children.

    A.appearance      B.surface         C.existence       D.presence


31.More and more students are ________ this modern type of teaching.

    A.benefit         B.benefit from     C.benefited       D.benefiting from

