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34. I really appreciate ________ the chance to relax with you on this nice island.

   A. being given                            B. giving     

C. to be given                              D. to have been given


33. The other day I suggested at the meeting not only ________ to class on time but also

listen carefully in class.

A. would he come     B. he should come     C. should he come     D. his coming


32. Paper produced every year is ________ the world’s production of vehicles.

   A. three times as heavier as                   B. as three times heavy as

   C. the three times weight of                   D. three times the weight of


31. --- What kind of man is the headmaster of your school?

  --- Oh, he is ________ man who is pleasant to work with. It’s ________ pleasure to work with him.

   A. the; the       B. a; a          C. a; the         D. the; /


30. --- I ________ this morning, but he could not come.

  --- Well, we’d better go and ________ at his office.

   A. called at him; call                        B. called on him; call him

   C. called him; call on him                   D. called him; call at him


29. The book is written in ________ easy English ________ beginners can understand.

   A. so; that       B. such; that      C. too; that      D. such; as


28. She is the only one among the ________ who ________ stories for children.

   A. woman writers; writes                      B. women writers; write

   C. women writers; writes                  D. woman writers; write


27. --- You were driving at 100 km an hour, sir.

  --- But officer, I ________, my car can’t go more than 80.

   A. may not have been                        B. could not have been 

   C. would have been                          D. needn’t have been


26. It’s surprising that he will leave office soon. We all wonder who will take his ________.

   A. role          B. place        C. career        D. action


25. I ________ for London tonight, for there is ________ an important meeting there.

   A. am leaving; to be                         B. am leaving; having 

   C. leave; to be                            D. am going to leave; having

