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第一节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)






Many a student are on the playground taking part in all           76._______

kinds of sports. A ball game is going on among Class 1               77._______

and Class 2. Do you see the students over there? Some              78._______

of them are practising highly jump. One of them is                  79._______

the best jumper in our school, that practises very hard               80._______

every day. He wanted to break the school record at the               81._______

sports meeting the next spring .On a corner of the                  82._______

field, you can also see a group of student. Their teacher              83._______

is telling them how throw discus. The students love                 84._______

sports. We want to keep fit so as to serve the people.                85._______


35.– Long time no see! How are you getting on?

– Very well. I ____ abroad for two months.

   A.have been traveling                B.have traveled 

   C.had traveled                     D.traveled


34.The _____ rule of a scientific research is that it should be accurate and universal.

    A.normal         B.general         C.regular         D.usual


33.I’m sure I wouldn’t say so if I were in your ______.

    A.condition       B.situation        C.position        D.occasion

