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2. figure out算出,了解,明白,估计,推测

I can’t figure out what you want to say.

We must figure out how to solve the problem.

figure n. 轮廓,体形,画像,数字,形状

I could see a tall figure near the door.

What a fine figure of a man!

a great figure in history历史上的大人物

have a head for figures数字概念强的头脑

I’m not good at figures. 我计算不行。


1. settle down安坐,安居,使安静,使镇静

She settled down in the armchair and began to read a book.

He finally settled down to his study.


The insect settled on a leaf. 一只昆虫落在一片树叶上。

They settled the dispute among themselves. 他们自己把这个争端解决了。


Something is disturbing him, so he can’t ______________________________(安下心来工作).


3. strike vt. /n. (strike-struck-struck/ stricken)

(1)打; 敲;击; 袭击;划火柴

A terrible typhoon struck Shenzhen last year.

I struck a match and held it to his cigarette.


An idea suddenly struck me. = An idea occurred to me.

Her kindness struck everyone present deeply.

拓展:辨析:strike, beat, hit





1) The criminal gang ____________________ the man so severely that he almost died.

2) I left immediately after the clock __________________________ twelve.

3) The girls put on their new dresses and got ready to __________________ the town.

4) What _______________ me was their enthusiasm for work.

5) ___________________________ while the iron is hot.


2. worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得出力的

I think teaching foreign language is worthwhile.

Her interest makes our efforts worthwhile.

This is a worthwhile cause.

拓展:辨析:worth, worthy, worthwhile


The job is worth our efforts.

This novel is worth reading again.


He is a worthy winner. 他是个名副其实的赢家。

She said she was not worthy to be my wife.

This book is worth reading.

=The book is worthy ___________________________.

=The book is worthy _________________________.


It is worthwhile doing/ to do sth.


1) It’s __________________ much more than I paid for it.

2) Mr. Wang is a ____________________ gentleman.

3) His suggestion is ___________________ considering.

4) His suggestion is _____________________ of consideration.

5) His suggestion is ______________________ consideration.

6) The doctor decided it would not be ______________________ to continue the treatment.


1. wealthy adj. 富有的;丰富的

Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada.


a wealthy land富饶的土地

a wealthy family富裕的家庭

to live a healthy and wealthy life过健康富裕的生活

wealth n. 财富

a man of wealth富人


His parents got rich by making money on the stock market, so he lived in a w_______ family.


   Module 3 Unit 5 & Module 4 Unit 1




1. 绝大部分青少年吸烟者认为吸烟显得很酷,也不会马上对身体产生危害,只要在危害到来之前戒掉就是了。

2. 请你驳斥这种观点,应包含以下信息:吸烟浪费金钱,浑身气味,牙齿肮脏,上瘾会致癌,患心、肺疾病;冒丧命之险追求时髦没有益处;戒烟要抓紧时间。

3. 提出一些帮助人们戒烟的建议(至少60词)。


Smoking is Not Cool and Quit Now

