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第二节  听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


                    Bank Accounts

1. A savings account (储蓄账户) can pay   (16)  , but they must go to the bank to withdraw money.

2. A checking account (支票账户) can pay for things, and there' s no danger of    (17)   .

3. When they withdraw the money from a checking account, they should pay   (18)   a check.

4. In conclusion, a checking account is more   (19)  . A savings account is more economical.

5. Finally, they choose   (20)    


第一节  听力理解(5段共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



1. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

   A. In a bank.    B. In a post office.    C. At a Customs office.

2. What kind of service does the woman request?

   A. To cash a check for Hong Kong dollars.

   B. To send a money order in pound sterling.

   C. To check her luggage before loading it on the plane.

3. What must the woman show the man to get the requested service?

   A. Her checkbook.   B. Her passport.    C. Her receipt.


4. What are the speakers talking about?

   A. A visit to the Forest Zoo.

   B. A beautiful view of the city.

   C. An experience of a recent trip.

5. How does the man like that day' s activities?

   A. It was full of fun.   B. It was just so-so.    C. It was lack of sunshine.

6. What else did the man do besides visiting the zoo, climbing up the hill and swimming?

   A. He saw some friends.  B. He took some photos.  C. He went fishing.


7. Why is the man angry with the woman?

   A. Because she hasn’t kept a place for him.

B. Because she hasn't got any idea who he is.

   C. Because she hasn't given him a phone call.

8. How is the problem solved?

   A. The woman helps the man find another room.

   B. The man calls to tell his friends not to come.

   C. The woman manages to arrange a table for the man.

9. What does the man do?

   A. He's a businessman.    B. He's a head waiter.    C. He's a policeman.


10. Which of the following is true of the speaker' s grandmother?

   A. She didn’t' t like to gossip(闲聊).

   B. She was kind and ready to help.

   C. She was busy taking care of many children.

11. Why did children like to visit the speaker' s grandmother?

   A. She told those stories and offered them small gifts.

   B. She told them stories and gave them advice.

   C . She told them stories and played games with them.

12. What did the speaker's grandmother say about smiling?

    A. Smiling is an important part of our life.

   B. We have only this one life and we need smiling.

   C. It is easier to be happy than to be sad.


13. What will Joe do next Saturday evening?

   A. Go to London with Jane

   B. See Jane off at the airport.

   C. Drive the car to leave London.

14. When will Jane leave home?

   A. After 7:30 p. m.   B. About 5:30 p. m.    C. At 9:00 sharp.

15. What can we learn from the conversation?

   A. The man will be back in a week.

   B. Thomas Nelson was the man's teammate at university.

   C. It will take one hour to get to the airport from the woman' s home.


6. 专门针对孩子们的节目现在变得越来越多。(intend for)


5. 毕业后,我继续献身研究工作。(devote…to)


4. 至于你的家人,你没有必要为他们担心。(as far as sth. is concerned. )


3. 我计划去的原因是如果我不去她会很失望的。 (the reason why…)


2. 我们绝不应该看不起那些没受过教育的人。(by no means; look down upon/on)


1. 经过数年的奔波,他决定在纽约定居下来。(settle down)


8. We decided to explore the __________(surround) countryside.


7. Radio was the pilot’s only means of _______________(communicate).

