0  169017  169025  169031  169035  169041  169043  169047  169053  169055  169061  169067  169071  169073  169077  169083  169085  169091  169095  169097  169101  169103  169107  169109  169111  169112  169113  169115  169116  169117  169119  169121  169125  169127  169131  169133  169137  169143  169145  169151  169155  169157  169161  169167  169173  169175  169181  169185  169187  169193  169197  169203  169211  447090 

24. ---What do you think made him so excited?

---_____in the English competition.

A. Winning the first prize       B. Won the first prize 

C. He won the first prize        D. Because he won the first prize


23. ____ finishes the work ahead of time will be ____ though we don’t know who it will be. 

A. Those who; rewarded           B. Anyone; rewarding 

C. Whoever; rewarded               D. No matter who; rewarding


22. Over 60,000 people died _____ the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province.

  A. with regard to  B. as a consequence of  C. in the course of  D. on the ground of


21. The tourist ____ one of the hotel servants with stealing money.

  A. charged    B. criticized     C. accused   D. caught


20. In the court, you have to state the facts _____.

  A. like it was   B. like they were   C. as it is    D. as they are


19. ____ our country has so many good table-tennis players, we have to decide on the best ones to take part in the game.

A. As    B. Since    C. If     D. While


18. The sofa used to ____ a bed when a relative came to stay with us.

  A. use for   B. make into   C. serve as   D. stand for


17. ---Is the White House ____ to ordinary visitors?

---Of course. 

A. available   B. accessible   C. adjustable   D. reasonable


16. ---My flat needs _____.   

  ---Would you like me _____ it for you?

  A. cleaning; to do                B. cleaning; doing    

C. being cleaned; to do            D. to be cleaned; doing


15. The thief ____ from the two policemen who were holding him and ran away.

  A. broke off    B. broke up   C. broke away    D. broke down

