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3. To our pity, the project had to be stopped for ___________(缺少)of money.


2. Our class is ____________ (分成)into four groups.



1. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under ____________(控制) .



I became lame(跛的)in both legs in my childhood. I can’t  36  without the support of two sticks. Only in my wheelchair can I “  37  ”.

I  38   remember the first day at school. When I appeared at the door,  39  in the classroom  40  at me in surprise. My face turned red. I couldn’t help  41  . It was the kindness and  42  in their eyes that prevented me doing so. I went  43   towards an unoccupied(空的) seat.

  Being lame, I didn’t   44   walk in front of my classmates. I was  45   that I might be  46  . In those days I was very sad to see others walking happily.

  One day, a few students camp up to me and asked me to go outside. I was really  47  . They 48  me with a friendly smile and   49   me in my wheelchair from place to place. I was  50  to them for giving me a   51   to see the sights of our lovely school with my own eyes.

  After that we often read, played and talked together. My friends are  52  ready to help me. It made me   53   I am handicapped(残疾的).

  Once they asked me, “What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without  54  I said, “It is the  55   .”

36.  A. speak         B. stand       C. write          D. sing

37.  A. walk         B. think      C. sing          D. play

38.  A. still          B. hardly      C. never             D. just

39.  A. nobody        B. anyone      C. no one             D. everyone

40.  A. threw         B. praised     C. stared          D. thought highly of

41.  A. throwing away    B. turning back   C. laughing         D. smiling  

42.  A. sympathy(同情)   B. sadness     C. surprise         D. pain

43.  A. shyly         B. angrily      C. politely         D. sadly

44.  A. dare         B. have to      C. prefer to        D. use to

45.  A. lucky         B. happy       C. afraid         D. angry

46.  A. looked after      B. came at      C. looked down upon  D. taken care of

47.  A. frightened       B. worried      C. excited        D. tired

48.  A. told         B. asked         C. encouraged      D. answered

49.  A. stood          B. got      C. sat          D. pushed

50.  A. thankful        B. useful      C. helpful        D. careful

51.  A. chance        B. plan       C. way         D. suggestion

52   A. not          B. always       C. never         D. seldom

53.  A. think         B. remember     C. forget        D. know

54.  A. help          B. work       C. hesitation(犹豫)     D. support

55.  A. building        B. classroom     C. friendship       D. teacher


35. His bike was broken on the way; _________, he was late for school.

A. as a result  B. after all  C. in other words  D. in fact


34. The way he suggests to us doesn’t make_____________.

A. decision       B. opinions       C. connection      D. sense

