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27. Her shoes_____ her dress; they look very good together.

  A. suit     B. fit      C. compare        D. match


26. _____ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. Having shown     B. To be shown  

C. Having been shown   D. To show


25. The message is very important, so it is supposed______ as soon as possible.

A. to be sent    B. to send    C. being sent    D. sending


24. What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, He_____ better.

A. need have done       B. must have done

C. can have done        D. might have done


23. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea_____ the party is to be held?

A. what          B. which        C. that       D. where


22. The two girls are getting on very well and share_____ with each other.

  A. little      B. much      C. some    D none


第一节     语法和词汇(共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)

21. Have you heard_____ news? The price of_____ petrol is going up again!

A. the, the       B. 不填, the     C. the, 不填   D. 不填, 不填




6.    What is the woman probably doing?

A. Asking for some money in the street.

B. Paying fares on a bus. 

C. Changing money in a bank.

7.    What does the woman give the man?

A.    Five 1-dollar bills.

B.    Some 5-dollar bills.

C.    A 20-dollar bill.

8.    What will the woman most probably do later?

A.    Change buses.   B. Take a bus.   C. Change one million dollars.


9.    What does the woman want to drink?

A.    Coffee.      B. Tea.     C. Water.

10.  Which of the following is NOT the reason the woman wants to work for Collcom?

A.    Collcom is well known all over the world. 

B.    The employees are well treated in Collcom. 

C.    Collcom is liked by people all over the world.

11.  What does the man think of the woman?

A.    She is just the kind of person they need. 

B.    She is too proud of herself. 

C.    She is hardworking and responsible.


12.  What time will the woman have to arrive at the airport?

A.    7:15.    B. 7:50.    C. 18:15.

13.  What can we know about traveling in the States from the dialogue?

A.    Most people travel by bus.

B.    The cheapest way is to travel by ship.

C.    Traveling by train costs very much.

14.  Which of the following will the woman do during her stay in the US?

A.    Visit her classmates. 

B.    Study in a university. 

C.    See the man’s grandparents.


15.  Why is the woman going to the US?

A.    To make more money. 

B.    To meet her family. 

C.    To attend university.

16.  Which of the following does the woman think is the most important in her life?

A.    Her family.  B. A good job offer.  C. English literature.

17.  How long will the woman probably stay in the US?

A.    Six years.  B. Three years.  C. Four years.


18.  What do most people think of rats?

A.    Lovely.   B. Frightening.  C. Astonishing.

19.  How long can rats live in water?

A.    Three days.   B. Thirteen days.  C. Three hours

20.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.    A rat can make 15000 more rats in one year. 

B.    A rat can easily go through a three-centimeter hole. 

C.    There is no poison that can kill rats.




1.    What will the woman probably do?

A. Stay in the hotel for at least two nights.

B. Leave the hotel the next morning.     

C. Ask the hotel clerk for her room key.

2.    When and where will the meeting be held?

A.    3:00 pm; Room 302.

B.    2:00 pm; Room 303.

C.    2:00 pm; Room 302.

3.    What does the man visit the woman for?

A. To make an apology.   

B. To help her cook dinner. 

C. To borrow some oil.

4.    What does the man think of Peter?

A. He doesn’t work hard enough.

B. He has a poor personality.

C. He might get the job bone if he works hard enough.

5.    What is the man trying to do?

A. Get the website of a famous tennis player. 

B. Find out what’s wrong with his machine.

C. Type a letter to Sampras.










  参考词汇:环保购物袋environment-friendly shopping bag;关注concern

Dear David,


                                    Li  Hua

