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第二节 完形填空 (共20小题,每题 1分, 满分20分)

"This Friday we'll have the yearly Egg Drop Challenge," said our science teacher, Mr. Baker.

   "You can work with a partner."

My friend, Cassie, and I smiled at each other. We always worked on projects  36   .

The  37   of the Challenge was simple-to build a projective container to keep an egg from breaking when  38   the stadium wall.

I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie.  39   the butter-cream gave me an idea.

"I have a brilliant design for our  40   container!" I said when Cassie arrived. "We can  41   the egg with some butter cream.

"Why not put the egg in a basket with a parachute(降落伞)  42   " Cassie rolled her eyes. "The parachute is better than that stupid idea."

I couldn't believe it. Of course we'd had our little  43   in the past, but she'd never called any of my ideas  44   before.

"Then I'll build mine and you build yours!"

    45   words had been out, our friendship was challenged.

   When Friday finally arrived, I had to  46   Cassie's Egg Force One looked pretty good.

  47   , my Egg-cellent Egg Cream didn't look quite scientific. We kids carried our containers up three stadium steps and dropped them over the side wall. Those whose eggs broke were out; those whose eggs survived  48   three more steps and dropped them again. This would go on till the last egg broke.

After four rounds, only Cassie and I were  49   . I let go of my box. I heard someone say "ew" after seconds. Had my egg broken I raced down the  50   . The sidewalk was dotted with egg shell(蛋壳) from those  51   drops. Finally I found my little Egg-cellent Egg Cream.

"That looks like egg drop soup, Laura," Cassie said. She was holding her Egg Force One. My  52   raced. Had she won? I looked at her basket.  53   .

"My egg bounced  54   ," she explained, pointing to a broken shell.

"A tie(平局)," Mr. Baker said.

   Cassie looked at me, and her glare  55   . I laughed. She smiled…

36.  A. patiently         B. silently           C. together       D. alone

37.  A. function         B. goal           C. reason         D. result

38.  A. rolled down       B. pushed against       C. thrown at      D. dropped over

39.  A. Spreading         B. Boiling          C. Baking        D. Holding

40.  A. butter          B. sandwich         C. cream         D. egg

41.  A. protect         B. replace          C. carry         D. mix

42.  A. followed         B. covered          C. attached        D. supported

43.  A. ideas           B. fights           C. worries        D. challenges

44.  A. wrong          B. stupid           C. brilliant        D. scientific

45.  A. Since           B. While           C. But          D. And

46.  A. explain         B. deny           C. admit         D. prove

47.  A. Therefore        B. However         C. Otherwise       D. Besides

48.  A. paced down       B. turned around       C. walked up       D. went back

49.  A. left           B. wanted          C. chose        D. discovered

50.  A. steps          B. way            C. wall         D. sidewalk

51.  A. intended         B. unexpected        C. failed         D. desired

52.  A. eyes          B. hands           C. feet         D. heart

53.  A. Lost          B. Dirty           C. Broken       D. Empty

54.  A. around         B. out            C. in          D. down

55.  A. returned         B. remained         C. increased      D. softened


35. -Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?

-_____, it was too hot.

A. Not really  B. Yeah, why not   C. Oh, great      D. You’re right


34. Lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made_____ in the restaurant.

  A. working   B. work  C. to work  D. worked


33. _____ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.

  A. It            B. What         C. As          D. Which


32. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to_____ their discussion.

  A. put away            B. take down        C. look over            D. carry on


31. The lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a T-shirt_____ the season.

A. whatever          B. wherever          C. whenever         D. however


30. _____ you eat the correct foods_____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you                   B. Only if; you will 

C. Unless; will you                   D. Unless; you will


29. -I’m sure Spain will win the Euro Cup 2008 in the final game.

  -I think so. They_____ for it for months.

  A. is preparing                       B. was preparing     

C. had been preparing                  D. have been preparing


28.-They are quiet, aren’t they?

-Yes. They are accustomed_____ at meals.

A. to talk      B. to not talk     C. to talking              D. to not talking

