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1. care with关心,担忧,惦记

  What she cares about is her own future.     

  I don’t care about what he is talking about.


  care for喜欢; 照顾;关心

  He had to care for his sister while studying in college.

  I care much for pop music.


2. injure v.受伤,伤害

  They were slightly/seriously/badly injured in the crash.

  Smoking will surely injure one’s health.


  injured adj.受伤的              injury n.伤口,受伤处






  Reading in the sun harms your eyes.

  It hurts me to think that so many people died in the flood.

  In the battle, hundreds of soldiers were wounded and some were even killed.


  Although the city had been attacked by the storm several times, _____________was done. 

  A. a few damages  B. few destroy  C. little hurt  D. little damage


1. rise(rose, risen)


  The amount of money spent in dealing with the problem of pollution keeps rising year by year.

(2)n. 上升,上涨,升起

  arise in price涨价

  give sb. a rise给某人提工资

  a rise in the cost of living生活费用的增加

  at the rise of the sun日出之时


  raise vt.举起,提出,提高,饲养

  The price of rice has been raised lately. = The price of rice has risen lately.

  raise chickens养鸡

  rise one’s voice提高嗓音

  raise one’s hands举起手


  The living standard of the people in Nanjing ____________ since 1983.

  A. has raisen           B. had been risen      C. has risen          D. rose

  解:选C. rise是不及物动词,没有被动语态,而raise有被动语态。


3. familiar adj.熟悉的……;通晓……

  The lady looked somewhat familiar, but I could not remember where I had seen her.


  be familiar with…熟悉……;通晓……

  be familiar to…对……熟悉的

  考点例题:The song is familiar __________me. = I am familiar ___________ the song.


2. determine v.决定; 确定; 下决心

           + n.

           + to do sth.

 determine      + clause

           + on/upon sht./doing sth.

           +疑问句+to do sth.

  You had better determine a date for the meeting as soon as possible.

  It is unnecessary to determine what each word means while you are reading a passage.

  I haven’t determined where to spend the seven-day holiday.


  determination n.决心; 决定

  determined adj.决然的;果断的

  be determined to do下决心干……=make up one’s mind to do

  give sb. a determined look坚定地看某人

  a determined man意志坚定的人


1. insist v.

(1)坚决要求; 坚决主张

  Insist on / upon doing sth.或insist that-clause,从句动词用(should) do

  The government insists that waste water (should) be made clean before going into the river.

  She insisted on our staying there for supper.

(2)坚持认为; 坚持说

  Insist on / upon doing sth.或insist that-clause,从句动词用陈述句语序和相应的时态

  He insisted on his innocence. (无罪)

  The farmer insisted that the neighbor had stolen his sheep.


1. persuade vt.说服; 劝服; 使相信

(1)persuade sb.说服某人

  Advertisers try to persuade consumers to buy their goods.

(2)persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事

  We have persuade him to give up smoking.

(3)persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb. out of /against doing sb.说服/劝服某人别做某事

  His mother persuaded him not to give up the chance to take part in the competition.

(4)persuade sb. of sth./ that+ clause 设法使某人相信

  He failed to persuade the workers of his honesty = to persuade the workers that he was honest.


  persuade强调说服、劝服的结果; 而只表劝说动作不表结果时需用try to persuade 或换成advise。

  考点例题:persuade/ advise

  1)I tried to ________________ my father to give up smoking, but in vain.

  2)I __________________ my father to give up smoking, but in vain.

  3)He wanted to _______________ his wife to see his cousin, but failed.

  4)He _____________________ that they should start at once.

  5)Finally she _________________ him into going to the hospital.


一轮知识点复习Unit 3&4 of Module 1






One Sunday morning,                               








When I walked into the classroom, the teacher

was handing in the test papers. I was feeling very                 76.        

nervous. I had not studied at all at the weekend because

I had thought it would be easy test. I went through                77.        

the test for many time but I could only answer                   78.        

three out from the twenty questions. I did not                    79.        

want to fail the exam. Then, I put my book

under my desk, opening it and started looking                    80.        

for the answers. His teacher wasn’t looking at                    81.        

me, but I copied something. Suddenly, I felt a hand on              82.        

my shoulder! He caught me cheating. I don’t know what to          83.        

say. Luckily, the teacher did not punish for                      84.        

be dishonest but gave me a second chance.                      85.        

