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1. This is an exciting experience for you, so you stand watching and listening.



8. meet the need满足需要;满足需求

The best cook is unable to meet everyone’s need of different tastes.


7. name after以……的名字给……命名

He named after his daughter (Rachel) after his grandmother.


6. come to life活跃起来; 苏醒

Spring is the season when everything comes to life.


5. make a profit牟利;赚取利润

He made a profit of five hundred dollars on the deal.他在这次交易中获取五百美元。


4. 其它短语:

①take action (on)采取措施; 采取行动

The government has promised to take swift action on its energy crisis.政府已经答应就能源危机迅速采取措施。

At the same time, they are taking strong action to protect the wildlife.同时,他们正采取强有力的措施来保护野生动物。

②at ease舒适; 自由自在

I feel at ease with my friend.我和朋友们在一起感到自在。

③intend to想要; 打算

I intended to study abroad after graduation.我打算毕业后去国外留学。

④introduce …to/into…把……介绍给……; 把……引入/传入……

A visit to the museum introduced the class to modern art.参观博物馆令全班同学认识了现代艺术。

Tea was introduced into other countries from China.茶是从中国传入其他国家的。


3. lose face丢脸; 丢面子

Failing in the exam made me lose face.

In order not to lose face, he decided not to tell the truth.

拓展与练习: lose face, lose heart, lose weight, lose touch (with), lose sight (of), lose one’s heart (to), lose one’s way, lose ones’ temper

1)The banker ___________________ when people found out the he bet on horse racing.

2)The steam had won no games and it ____________________.

3)She __________________ to the soldier with the broad shoulders and deep voice.

4)It’s no good _________________ over such things.

5)Don’t ___________________ in the storm when it’s dark.

6)I watched the plane go higher and higher until I ________________ it.

7)He ____________________ his family after the earthquake last week.

8)The doctor advised John to _________________.


2. close to(时间\空间等)接近; 靠近

The bank is close to the supermarket.

There is a bus-stop close to our school.

close to还可以表示:

(1)亲近的; 亲密的a close friend

(2)几乎; 几近 close to 6 o’clock


The ship kept close to the coast.(=near)

He looked at the portrait more closely.(=carefully)


1)First cousins are considered ________________ relations.

2)He was following _______________ behind.

3)She listened ___________________ while he read.

4)Scientists believe the warming of the planet is ________ connected to the mount of pollution we generate.


1. be likely to很可能……; 有希望……

Are you likely to arrive in time?

She likely to ring me tonight.

likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语,除了用于be likely to外,还经常用于It’s likely that…句型,这时,它等于It’s possible/probable that…, 如:

It’s likely/ possible /probable that the teacher will say no to our proposal.老师可能否决我们的提议。

但是,possible和probable的主语都不能是人, 如不能说:She is possible/ probable to ring me tonight.

考点例题:likely, possible, probable.

1)I’ll help you if ___________________.

2)He is _________________ to ring me tonight to discuss the plan.

3)It is _____________ , though not ___________ that he will come tomorrow.


5. involve vt.包括; 使陷于

Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence in.

They are deeply involved in debt.


involve with“和……混在一起; 和……有密切关系”

Don’t involve yourself with those people.

注:involvement n.连累,包含

