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2. There is no need to debate any more about … 没有必要再为……而辩论

There’s no doubt sth./ that…毫无疑问……

There’s no possibility that …不可能……

There’s no point in doing sth.做……没用/没意义

There is no point in complaining; they never take any notice.埋怨没用,人家根本不理睬。


It’s no good/ no harm/ no use doing sth.做某事没有好处

There’s no use/ no good/ no point (in)doing sth.做某事没有用处/好处


_________________________________________(没有必要) worry about him.

_____________________________________________(没有用处) arguing with him.



 consist, of; divide into; leave out, take the place of, break down,
in memory of, have influence on


1. (1)So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete.于是在1510-1514年期间他继续从事这项研究,逐步修改他的理论,直到他感到完善时为止。

(2)The Christian Church rejected his theory, saying it was against God’s idea.基督教会拒绝接受他的理论,说它违背上帝的思想。

句(1)中gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete和句(2)saying it was against God’s idea。

= and gradually improved his theory until he felt it was complete.

=and said it was against God’s idea.


______________________________(不知道怎么办), he turned to his father for help.

_____________________________________(担心今天的考试), I didn’t sleep well last night.


8. for convenience 为了方便起见 = for convenience’s sake

at one’s (own) convenience在某人方便的时候

Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience.请尽早送货。


7. make sense有意义; 意思清楚; 有道理

What he has just said makes much/no sense.

make sense of 理解; 懂; 明白

I can’t make sense of this poem.

in a sense在某一方面; 就某种意义来说

What you say is true in a sense.


6. lead to通向; 导致

All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。

Diligence led to his success. =

His success lay in diligence.勤奋使他获得了成功。


5. break down

(1)破坏; 拆散; 分解

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.

The robbers broke the door down.


Our truck broke down outside town.

(3)失败; 破裂

The peace talks are said to have broken down.

(4)精神崩溃; 失去控制

He broke down and wept.


The Roman Empire _______________ in 476 AD.

A. broke away from                    B. broke down

C. broke up                             D. broke into



4. take the place of代替,取代(= replace)

take place(=happen)

take one’s place (= take one’s seat)就座

take one’s place代替某人



1)I’ll take the place of our manager to attend the meeting.

2)I’ll take my manager’s place to attend the meeting.

3)I’ll replace our manager to attend the meeting.

4)I’ll attend the meeting instead of our manager.

5)I’ll attend the meeting in place of our manager.


3. leave out遗漏; 省略;忽略

leave out a letter漏掉一个字母

leave out the problem for the moment暂不考虑这个问题


leave sb. alone (by oneself)不打搅某人

leave sb./ sth. behind把……忘到脑后


leave for动身去某地


2. consist of由……组成=be made up of

consist in 存在于

consist with与……一致


His job consists of helping old people who live alone.

The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.

Theory should consist with practice.


As we all know, China is has a large population __________ 56 nationalities.

A. consists of                            B. is consisting of

C. consisting of                          D. making up of


1. put forward提出(意见\建议)

put forward a plan提出计划


put in打断; 插嘴

put off延期; 推迟

put on假装; 伪装, 上演(戏剧); 穿上

put out扑灭; 出版

put through接通电话

put up举起; 抬起; 张贴; 公布

put sb. up为……提供食宿

to put up a notice 张贴布告; 接待

put up with忍受; 忍耐; 受苦


We were roommates. At that time, I have to ________________ her bad temper.

A. put forward      B. put up with        C. put up            D. put off

