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34. What was it _______ caused the accident?

  A. which        B. what        C. that         D. this


33. _______ he would go to work in a mountain village surprised all of us.

  A. What        B. That        C. Which        D. If


32. The question came up at the meeting ________ we had enough money for our research. 

  A. that         B. why         C. if          D. whether


31. At the meeting, we discussed _________ or not we should employ more workers.

  A. whether       B. if          C. that         D. when


30. --- Did you catch the train?

--- Yes. The train_________ right on time.

A. came in        B. filled in        C. pulled in        D. reached in


29. An earthquake may ________ the spread of deadly diseases.

 A. result          B. result from      C. result to         D. result in


28. The trip to Beijing ________ me seven days, including two nights on the train.

  A. spent        B. costed        C. took          D. used


27. The students have already learned __________ useful English words and expressions.

  A. a great many                B. a great many of

  C. a great deal of                D. a great deal


26. __________ let Tom ________ something to play with, his mother gave him a toy dog.

  A. To; to have                   B. So as to; have

  C. So as to; to have             D. In order to; have


25. When she realized that someone had taken her doll, the little girl could not help ________.

  A. crying        B. to cry         C. cry         D. cries

